Thursday, 24 November 2011

The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

Alright so here's the deal, I won't talk about the books I'm being forced to read for school because those have been taking up most of my time, and in turn, you'll all leave me comments on the reviews I do post for the stuff I read just for fun! Sound good?

So I got the Iron Fey series as a set, and I'm anxiously awaiting the moment I can buy Iron Knight because I've heard really good things about it, but for now I'm through reading Iron Daughter, and I thought it was fantastic. There was a lot more in this book that gripped me and kept me hanging on, and that's what I love about Julie Kagawa. She makes me read a book front to back without yawning through it. I actually want to read the words on the page. This book was hard to put down once I began and I had to read a stupid book for school in between it, and then I had to share my opinion of it.

Anyway, what I like is how simple Julie's writing is, how lovable her characters are and how sincere she is with the plot. I can totally see this happening to someone somewhere, whether it was made up or not. I like the authenticity factor she brings to her books.

Anyway, if you haven't picked this up, then do it, these books are awesome. I'm reading a bunch more on my new kindle but admittedly, that's slower, and admittedly I'm back logged on reviews right now.

Bear with me I'm new! Hahaha, just like the people at the A&W across from my school . . .


1 comment:

  1. I've heard good things about this series. I'm not a big fan of these kinds of books. But the series sounds quite interesting!! Thank you for sharing!! ^_^

    Books For All Seasons
